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How long does a workers’ comp case take? 

If you have been hurt on the job, you have lots of questions and concerns. This is completely normal because most people have limited experience dealing with workers’ comp issues. One of the most frequent questions we hear is “how long will it take to settle my workers’ comp case?”

Today we are going to talk about how long your workers’ comp case may take.

How long will my workers’ comp case take?

While we would like to offer a specific timeline, the truth is that every workers’ compensation case is unique. A great deal depends on the nature and severity of your injury, and how long it takes you to recover. This is because your workers’ comp benefits need to cover your medical expenses. You will not have a clear understanding of what those costs are until you have reached maximum improvement.

Maximum improvement means your situation is stable and not expected to improve any further. This is different for every injury, and it varies based on factors ranging from the type of injury to your current level of health. However, once you have reached max improvement it typically takes another six to twelve months to receive the benefits you are entitled to receive.

It is important to understand that nobody can give you a specific time frame when dealing with worker’s compensation cases. You may experience a slower recovery, have complications, or need a second medical opinion. Litigation and negotiation time must also be factored into the timeline.

What if I need lifetime medical benefits?

If you have to reach maximum recovery to settle your workers’ comp case, what happens for those that need lifetime medical benefits? Fortunately, there are ways to settle your claim that also protect your interest in the long run. This includes leaving your claim open to allow for future medical needs or closing your case for a lump sum.

When settling for a lump sum you must be especially careful. This sum must consider your future anticipated medical costs, which can be difficult to determine. If you settle for too small an amount, you could find yourself without the resources you need to get better. This is why having a skilled and experienced workers’ comp attorney in your corner is so critical.

Remember, every workers’ comp case is unique, and laws vary by state. It takes a skilled attorney to accurately evaluate your situation and provide you with the best options available. If have been hurt on the job and want to talk with someone about your injury,  contact us for a free consultation.

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  • Attorney Ryan Murphy
Awards and Accolades
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  • Springfield Office
    4905 S. National Ave
    Suite A128
    Springfield, Missouri 65810
    Phone: 417-888-0000
    Fax: 417-763-6864